K-Town Shocking: Actress Amala Paul files complaint on harrasment |  Tamil Movie News | Cinema Profile
South Indian Actress Amala Paul has filed a police complaint on Azhagesan named person on the grounds of harrasing her and also misbehaved.

Amala Paul has spoke to media as " I have been going to a dance practice for the past few days, for an event, that is set to happen in Malaysia. During the practice, this person comes and talks to me personally, when I am alone. He talks about trading me, sexually, to another person, and asks sexual favours, which was not comfortable. I was shocked and humiliated. I didn't feel safe about this and that is why I have come here, to file a complaint against him. This happened at Sridhar Master's dance studio, but he is not aware of this. He doesn't have any connection. Someone from the event organizers team should have only intimated this person about my dance practice schedule.

I am an independent working woman and I need to work freely without any disturbances. Not just me, there are lots of independent working women out there, who should be comfortable, without any harassment, or tortures. The Police have taken up this case very seriously, and I hope I get the deserving justice."

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